On Saturday, I went to my parents and chilled by the pool. I miss that backyard. Chillin by the pool is rad, and it gave me some time to read my book club book that I have to finish by Wednesday. Yes, I am a big loser face, and I go to book club. I am old. That night the ladies of the fam went to my cousin's "personal bridal shower." Oh, estrogen. The boys (including Joey) were at my parents' house playing poker. I was mad jealous.
On Sunday, Joey and I took a random drive into Cave Creek. He wanted to go to this sports bar that has this amazing cheeseburger. But there were too many bikers, and I didn't think I could pass with my pearl earrings, and cardigan. It was Standing Room Only too. So we went to this really great Mexican food place instead. The experience wasn't as great as the last time we were there, because we were eating at the bar instead of a romantic lakeside view. ;) We probably also missed our Al Sharpton duck that was there with his fro last time. On the way out of Cave Creek, we decided to stop at this place called "The Town Dump." This place was crazy. I just thought there was a bunch of crap inside, but there was at least an acre of outside crap. Apparently Joey wanted to but an Armor Knight's suit and I crushed his dream. Sorry, it was creepy. That place was full of creepy things, and I felt like I was in an episode of Supernatural. Here is an example:

We drove around some more, ran some errands, and hung out atmy place. It was one of those giggly fun, reconnect when the world has been crazy, remember that you are totally mushy in love weekends. I think we needed that. (vomitting upons reading this is totally ok).
After a weekend like that, Monday just kinda sucks by comparison. So, I got reallllllly a.d.d. Surprised I didn't write this there. ;)
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