I love Christmas. All the movies and music and decorations and love. Last Christmas (I gave you my heart) was a little bit stressful, and the first time in my 27 years when I said "Christmas sucks." It made me really sad. So, this year, I am getting BACK in the spirit!! I will be listening to the Christmas music FIRST thing Friday morning, and probably watching Elf later that day. I love smiling, smiling's my favorite!! Anyhow, I am taking awhile to get to the point of this post....
I went to Target after work today to get odds and ends (why are razor blades SO expensive), and I found THESE:

Yes, those are dish towels that look like SANTA!!! Two of them, for $4.99!!! Head out right now before all the crazies get them on Black Friday.
Speaking of Black Friday, I will be in bed. Asleep. Since most of my shopping is done. Are YOU going out and facing the crowds?